Sunday, February 17, 2008

Pain in the a--neck

Today i got a mosquito bite on the sole of my foot.

How is it even possible to get a mosquito bite on the sole of my foot?! I mean...HOW?! My foot is on the ground like 96.329% of the time!( don't ask me how I found out...(No, seriously don't)) The only time a mosquito could come running along and biting me, is when I'm asleep...ASLEEP!

That just freaks me out! While I'm in my sleep dreaming of dinosaurs, Star Wars, Heroes and women, A little mosquito comes under my blanket-Well is doesn't come under my blanket, it arrives-no, appears under my blanket, sees my foot and bites me! When i'm all vulnerable and asleep! What if tonight she (yeah, it's a she, it's always a she...*) invites her little buddies over thinking that my foot is a bar and drinks are free for women?! how am I going to walk?!

And that part isn't the worst..nooooooo...there's more bad stuff about getting bitten in the foot. First of all, when you get bitten in the foot, there is no cool or discreet way to all. And when you need to scratch, it's never a 'oooh my foot's itchy, I think I'll ignore it.' Its a 'AUGGH! my foot's burning!! I need to rip off my shoe and use a chainsaw to scratch!!!!' kind of itch. And the worst part is that even though for your entire life your feet have never been ticklish, for the particular time when you try and scratch, it's sooo ticklish!

Secondly, when you get bitten on your foot, it's not like when you get bitten anywhere else. Because when you get bitten anywhere else, if you don't touch it, you don't think about it. But when you get it on your foot, the 96.329% of the time when your foot is on the ground, you can feel it!

Lastly, when you get bitten on your foot, it takes much longer to write a blog post because half the time I'm scratching!

Anyway, I've manged to get this!

This is the first piece that I've penciled, inked and coloured thats on my blog


Comments are appreciated.

*Science note: the part about the female mosquito is not because I'm a sexist it's because only female mosquitoes suck blood.(i think)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm back. dudes. hehe.