Being sick sucks...
In case you(the reader) does not know, I have been sick for the last 3-4 days... Which is sooo not kewl*. Although there are good points about being sick, like not being able to go to school, and...I think thats it...(See, sickness stinks!) every other aspect of being sick is not all. First there's the being cold and hot at the same time(which I still do not see how that it's possible at all) It's like, when you cover yourself up because it's so cold, you start sweating and
BURN! Then there's the random headaches which is kinda okay (I guess...). Then there's the medicine. I'm not even gonna explain the medicine...
On the brighter side of the news, last Saturday, we (the same "I'm-not-going-to-tell-you-who" group and one more "I'm-not-going-to-tell-you-who" person who is actually also supposed to be in the "I'm-not-going-to-tell-you-who" group in the first place but the "I'm-not-going-to-tell-you-who" person had something on during
Singapore Flyer the day so he wasn't included in the "I'm-not-going-to-tell-you-who" group that day) went to Singapore's first(not sure about this part) air show!
Yeah, there was oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, helium ,carbon monoxide, etc. ... (And there were some planes too...) Because I got sick and it's like four days since I went there, I don't really remember everything so I'll just type what I remember.
Well, I remember when we(as you already might know, the "I'm-not-going-to-tell-you-who" group) walked in, we saw the monster that is the A380. It was huge! I mean, it was like Ka-Chow!
Anyway, I also remember the food was overly expensive... they charged like $874.29 for 27 grains of rice! It's like they expect you to use the change you got after buying a
plane and buy 27 grains of rice!
Next up, I remember the show some of the planes put up and I especially remembered the Black Knights( A little note, they were red and white. Shouldn't they be called the red knights or the white knights or at least the pink knights because red and white make pink...) flying around in formations, flipping, spinning and other sorts of verbs that can be used for planes and killing people with sound.
Lastly, I remember having an annoying man telling us(me and the "I'm-not-going-to-tell-you-who" person that was not at the Singapore Flyer) that we could not sit at their chairs unless we bought something. What, did he expect us to buy a plane at that moment just so we could sit down?! I wonder what he would say if, after that moment, we came back and were like:" yeah,
father(<==put emphasis here) just gave me my allowance for today, so, what are you selling? Planes? Yeah, I'll take five." Heh. I can imagine the look on his face...
Okay, that's it for today...