Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Rain, rain go away...

...Wait, don't! Don't go away! I don't wanna die of drought! PLEASE! STAY!
secret wordz! ooOOoh!So, magikal-th!
Heh. Anyway, today it rained. Yeah. My school was flooded. Well, not flooded like "Oh-my-god-why-didn't-I-bring-my-scuba-gear-for-show-and -tell-today" flooded, but from an "oh-crap-my-shoes-are-swimming-pools-for-ants" kind of flooded to an "oh-wow-the-wrinkles-in-my-toes-look-like-mona-lisa" flood.

It's true! For some reason, the school board decided that it would be a great idea to make the school canteen the lowest part of the school. So, because of...well, umm...Gravity,all the water poured down and basically flooded the entire canteen up to my shoes. It sucks. Because everyone knows, it really sucks to try and eat with that squishing, sloshing(not sure if it's a real word or if it's used in this way) splattering sound coming from shoes, drains and socks. Or, maybe you didn't know that...huh. Well, now you do.

I also got suspended on the first day of school. Yeah. It appears that having hair in school is officially against the school rules. They suspended me(which I'm not sure is actually a bad thing...) until I went to get my hair cut. Yup. Now, when it rained, my scalp was cold! I could've gotten brain freeze!

Well, that's all I got...

P.S. No female potato chips were sexually abused in the making of this rainbow mustache.

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